Part 49: Two Flowers
Update 49: Two FlowersIt turns out the endings are largely similar, but I'm going to try and show off the little differences between them anyway. Let's start with the solo ending.

Music: Rim Elm Rebuilt

Val and Dr. Usha start to leave...

Nene follows after them, and we regain control. Looks like that playable thing actually is happening, just a little later than I thought. Let's check up on Mei and Maya.

Tetsu: Vahn, you are an excellent student. I'm proud to have taught you the martial arts of Biron. I'll be praying for your safe journey.

Pepe: Vahn, if you ever need a wedding ring, I'll give you a good price!

Ixis: A hero's life is pretty good, eh,, Vahn? I'm just joking, Vahn! Ha ha ha! Don't worry about Rim Elm. I'll take care of everyone! Go do what you have to do! I'll turn Rim Elm into the kind of place a hero like you won't be ashamed to call home!

Ixis' Dad: Tell them that we were reborn when the Ra-Seru gave us their lives at the end. That the Ra-Seru gave us new bodies immune to injury and sickness. Thank you. Thanks to you and the Ra-Seru, I can work hard like this.

Disco King: Such an instinct for dancing! Such shining talent! And you tell me Noa is already gone?! Oh, how lamentable! Oh, the despair! But after living in the big city for so long, I find this simple village refreshing! So I've decided to start a new life here! I'll teach the villagers all the hottest dances!

Elder: After the village was rescued from Juggernaut, and Noa left the village...Noa was carrying a baby, wasn't she?

Elder: As I suspected. Cort, too, must have been reborn when we received new life from the Ra-Seru. I know that it was Cort who brought the Mist into this world. And I also know that Cort is Noa's only blood relative. Noa must have been trying to leave with Cort unnoticed. She must have decided to raise Cort by herself. Noa is quite a young woman.

Elder: Good luck to you. See the distant lands, the rich world for all humans!
Villager: Vahn!

- -

The rest of this scene plays out the same way, but a few characters switch up their dialogue a little.

Tetsu: Your dedication is admirable! Someday I, too, plan to go to Biron. I'll ask you to spar with me then!

Ixis: You better watch out, or I'll take Mei for myself! I'm just joking, Vahn! Ha ha ha!

For some reason, Mei and Maya don't come to send Vahn off in this ending. I'm not really sure why.
Moving on...
- -

Ixis: It's kind of embarrassing, but, well, that's how it is now! You work on making Noa your girl. I'm sure that's what Mei wants, too!

Personally, I would have liked Mei to hook up with just about anyone else in this ending. Perhaps Pepe. Oh well, she seems happy enough anyway and that's what's important.
One more...
- -

Lady: Now that the world is at peace, I'm planning on traveling by myself. Vahn, maybe we'll meet somewhere out there, someday. I hope we do!

And so our journey comes to an end...

Music: Credits Song

Noa and baby Cort seem to be doing okay in Jeremi. Unfortunately, even if you pick her ending, we don't see Vahn with her. Kind of a missed opportunity if you ask me, but alas.

Those little Biron Babies kind of scare me, but at least Gala seems to be doing well. Again, the ending you pick doesn't affect these pictures.

Grantes and Cara's Happy Ending.

Saryu gets married for real, without the human sacrifice shenanigans. I wonder if that girl is the one who Noa replaced? I can't tell for sure.

Sol is...also there.

That explosion wouldn't have happened if the scientist wasn't distracted by Mrs. Usha giving one of her pop quizzes.

Looks like the train guys are doing okay. Wait, how did they manage to keep operations going without Seru? Maybe it's just a machine.

And the Soren aren't supposed to have wings anymore, either. Maybe this is showing them evacuating the sky town or something.

Well, it's been a good ride, and I'm glad I got a chance to finally see this game through to it's completion. It definitely drags on at times, but all told I still love this game to pieces and I'm glad I gave it another try.

Huh, I didn't realize how much treasure I missed. I wonder how much was proper chests and how much was invisible stuff? Maybe it counts buyable items also? I didn't really purchase much beyond what I really needed.
Also, check out the clock. I honestly thought I'd hit the time cap of 99:59:59 before I completed the game.
Anyway, it looks like this is it! I want to take a moment to thank all of you who read and posted. I learned a great deal about the game that I never knew before, and to be completely honest I don't think I could have made it past the Delilases without your guidance. Cheers to you guys, and I hope you enjoyed the LP.